I'd never really been a part of a drama group before I joined writing all
wrongs, I heard about it through two of my friends (alex&faye) they told me
that the group was a great way to meet new people and just be yourself, and
that the last performance that they took part in 'Love Hurts' with one of the
teachers jeni was really good, so I decided to give it a go.
I was really really nervous about becoming a part of an already existing group,
I thought that I wouldn't fit in and it would be really difficult to
communicate with everyone but I've never been so wrong! I feel as though Ive
gained a drama family! Everybody in the group is so accepting and friendly and
we've all become really really close... I really enjoyed rehearsals in LIPA,
being in the building just made me happy! We had a few games at the beginning
of every session then we would work on remembering our monologues for our first
performance. Our first performance was at The Slavery/Maritime Museum. My belly
was turning and I was so nervous at the thought of my first performance but
everyone was so supportive and it went really well, the next few performances I
dreaded because they were at youth clubs across Liverpool, being a teenager
myself I know what it's like to be sat watching a play that you have no idea
about and wanting to fidget and talk but it turned out that the youth clubs
weren't a problem. There were a few immature members of the audience but i
think that our performance really sank in to the youth club audiences. One
question that we were frequently asked was if that the stories and characters
we were portraying were true and if the things that were happening to our
characters were happening to us personally. I felt like I'd achieved my goal
I'd set out to hearing this, it made me feel like I'd give a strong believable
My favourite venue was The Lantern Theatre, the audience was very mature and we
held an after party for one of our teachers Jeni because she's leaving for
Italy, the after party made me realise how close I had become to everyone in
the group in a matter of weeks, I was so sad that the project was coming to an
end and that jeni was leaving but I knew that out little drama family would
keep in contact and see each other regularly!
One person I would also like to thank is Caroline, this project wouldn't of
happened without her commitment she gave me such an amazing opportunity to be
apart of her WAW production and the outcome has gave me so much confidence in
performing and I've gained such amazing friends (including Jeni & Caroline)
I'm going to miss everyone over the next few weeks but I'm excited about what
is going to be happening next! Xxx
In : Writing all Wrongs